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Dozie Kanu
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
"Pulley Trial", 2021
"Pulley Trial" (Detail), 2021
"Headboard Trial", 2021
"Las Vegas Arcade Soho London (Z-Ro Merits)", 2021
6 April – 15 May 2021
Press release



Video game #1.

Commissioned text

by manuel arturo abreu


You are in a war against abstraction, which has destroyed your lineage. Your only weapon is abstraction. An apothecary houses you, trains you to join the militant anti-abstraction faction–the Realists. Every time you die, you wake up in the apothecary’s spare bed. You clean his hut. You gather materials for concoctions. Once you’re ready, you attend the graduation ceremony.


You fall in love with the guest speaker: the leader of the Realists, Antigone, who says you’re now ready for the whole truth. The world is the dream of a sleeping giant, a creature called Sycorax, closely guarded by her son Caliban, the leader of the Abstractionists. Her sick lusts dream up the destruction of generations, the wholesale displacement and dehumanizing of people, the vast castles of blood that bind you all together as Realists in your loss. Like your ancestors before, You must wake Sycorax by any means, no matter how many re spawns.


You hone your skills and rise in the ranks. You learn Antigone loves her aide-de-camp; as you interface more with the latter, she realizes your intentions. Enthralled, you flare up the aide’s jealousy. Once you start crossing paths with Antigone more, something itches. It clicks: Antigone realizes that You and her are locked in a blood feud. Your great grandfather killed hers.


You have a choice: do you sacrifice yourself to absolve your ancestor? You decide sacrifice is the right thing. The aide-de-camp gleefully steps forward; but her blade cannot slice You. Antigone realizes from this that You are her soul twin and can’t die if she still lives. But since you’ve offered yourself for sacrifice, absolution holds. You can now move forward to the final, epic battle against Caliban and the Abstractionists.


We can redact this epic battle to a Single Word. Tragically and heroically, the aide-de-camp gives her life for victory. And once Caliban is defeated, you approach Sycorax, and another choice: do you wake her? If not, you return to the apothecary’s bed, but the world is good for the Realists now. The generations can begin to heal since the Abstractionists are defeated; a Realist can guard Sycorax and do whatever is necessary to make her dreams sweet, and not nightmares. Or you can wake her and see what happens.


You confer with Antigone. She’s excited about the possibilities. What could it all mean? You both give Sycorax a push, call her name. She opens her eyes and in them You see Yourself; everything fades to Black. You were Sycorax all along, of course. You were Caliban and Antigone and Sycorax and the apothecary. The question is whether you had a choice in setting this scheme up for yourself to overcome. You reach out your hand hoping Antigone is there. It’s just empty space.


For Amo

manuel arturo abreu



the spirit

senses not

passively (acted

upon, bodylike)


or ἀπάθεια

of spirit = deep abstraction

of functionalism



the spirit must choose

to enter the carnival / ruins

of sense in a leap

of faith

falling upward

like a tongue




Dozie Kanu (b. 1993, Houston, TX) lives and works in Santarém, Portugal. He graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 2016. Selected solo and two person exhibitions include: Recoil, International Waters, Brooklyn, New York, 2020; Owe Deed, One Deep, Project Native Informant, London, 2020; FUNCTION, The Studio Museum in Harlem, New York, 2019. Selected group exhibitions include Enzo Mari, curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Triennale Milano, 2020; Crack Up – Crack Down, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, 2020; Transformer: A Rebirth of Wonder, 180 The Strand, London, 2019; Midtown, organized by Salon 94 and Maccarone Gallery, Lever House, New York, 2017.


manuel arturo abreu (b. 1991, Santo Domingo, DO) is a poet and artist currently based in Portland, Oregon. They studied linguistics at Reed College and graduated in 2014. They wrote two books of poetry and one book of critical art writing. They have published at Rhizome, Art in America, CURA, The New Inquiry, Art Practical, SFMoMA Open Space, AQNB, amongst others. abreu also cofounded and co-runs home school, a free pop-up art school in Portland in its sixth year of curriculum. Recent solo and duo shows: Portland State University, Portland; Yaby, Madrid; the Art Gym, Portland; Open Signal, Portland; Institute for New Connotative Action, Seattle. Recent group shows: Superposition, LA; Veronica, Seattle; Felix Gaudlitz, Vienna; Critical Path, Sydney; Studio Museum in Harlem, New York; NCAD Gallery, Dublin; online with Rhizome and the New Museum; Centre d’Art Contemporain, Geneva. Recent curatorial work: Yale Union, Portland; Center for Afrofuturist Studies, Iowa City; SOIL, Seattle; Paragon Gallery, Portland; old Pfizer Factory, Brooklyn; S1, Portland; AA|LA Gallery, LA; MoMA PS1, New York.





Video game #1.

Texto comissionado

por manuel arturo abreu



Estás numa guerra contra a abstração, esta que destruiu a tua linhagem. A tua única arma é a abstração. Um boticário abriga-te, treina-te para te juntares à facção militante anti-abstração, os Realistas. Cada vez que morres, acordas na cama de hóspedes do boticário. Limpas a sua cabana. Reúnes materiais para poçōes. Uma vez pronto, compareces na cerimónia de graduação.


Apaixonas-te pela oradora convidada: a líder dos Realistas, Antígona, que diz que estás agora pronto para toda a verdade. O mundo é um sonho de um gigante adormecido, uma criatura chamada Sycorax, guardada de perto pelo seu filho Caliban, líder dos Abstracionistas. As suas luxúrias doentias fantasiam a destruição de gerações, o deslocamento maciço e desumanizador de pessoas, os vastos castelos de sangue que vos ligam na vossa perda, todos os Realistas. Tal como os seus antepassados, deves despertar Sycorax de qualquer modo, não importa quantas vezes tente.


Aperfeiçoas as vossas capacidades e sobes nos rankings. Aprendes que Antígona adora o seu aide-de-camp; à medida que fazes mais interaçōes com este último, ela percebe as tuas intenções. Entusiasmado, provocas ciúme no ajudante. Quando te começas a cruzar mais com Antígona, algo causa comichão. Tudo faz sentido: Antígona compreende que Tu e ela estão fechados num eterno ciclo de vingança. O teu bisavô matou o dela.

Tens uma escolha: sacrificas-te para absolver o teu antepassado?


Decides que o sacrifício é a coisa certa. O aide-de-camp alegremente dá um passo em frente; mas a sua lâmina não pode cortar-te. Antígona percebe que Tu és a sua alma gémea e não podes morrer se ela ainda viver. Mas já que te ofereceste para sacrifício, a absolvição mantém-se. Podes agora avançar para a batalha final e épica contra Caliban e os Abstracionistas.


Podemos redigir esta batalha épica em uma Palavra Única. Trágica e heroicamente, o aide-de-camp dá a sua vida pela vitória. E uma vez Caliban derrotado, aproxima-se de Sycorax, e de outra escolha: acordá-la? Se não, regressas à cama do boticário, mas agora o mundo é bom para os Realistas. Desde que os Abstracionistas foram derrotados, as gerações podem começar a sarar; um Realista pode proteger Sycorax e fazer o que for necessário para tornar os seus sonhos doces, não pesadelos. Ou pode acordá-la e ver o que acontece.


Conversas com Antígona. Ela está entusiasmada com as possibilidades. O que poderia tudo isto significar? Ambos dão um empurrão a Sycorax, chamam-na pelo nome. Ela abre os olhos e neles vês-te a ti próprio; tudo se desvanece em Preto. Foste sempre Sycorax, claro. Eras Caliban e Antígona e Sycorax e o boticário. A questão é saber se pudeste optar, ao estabelecer este esquema para tu próprio ultrapassares. Estende a tua mão na esperança de que Antígona esteja lá. Encontras apenas espaço vazio.


For Amo

manuel arturo abreu



the spirit

senses not

passively (acted

upon, bodylike)


or ἀπάθεια

of spirit = deep abstraction

of functionalism



the spirit must choose

to enter the carnival / ruins

of sense in a leap

of faith

falling upward

like a tongue




Dozie Kanu (b. 1993, Houston, TX) vive e trabalha em Santarém, Portugal. Licenciou-se na Escola de Artes Visuais em 2016. Exposicōes Individuais e a duo incluem: Recoil, International Waters, Brooklyn, New York, 2020; Owe Deed, One Deep, Project Native Informant, London, 2020; FUNCTION, The Studio Museum no Harlem, New York, 2019. Suas exposiçōes coletivas incluem Enzo Mari, com curadoria de Hans Ulrich Obrist, Triennale Milano, 2020; Crack Up – Crack Down, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, 2020; Transformer: A Rebirth of Wonder, 180 The Strand, London, 2019; Midtown, organizado pelo Salon 94 and Maccarone Gallery, Lever House, New York, 2017.


manuel arturo abreu (b. 1991, Santo Domingo, DO) é poeta e artista e actualmente reside em Portland, Oregon. Estudou linguística no Reed College e formou-se em 2014. Escreveu dois livros de poesia e um livro de escrita de arte crítica. Já publicou em Rhizome, Art in America, CURA, The New Inquiry, Art Practical, SFMoMA Open Space, AQNB, entre outros. abreu também cofundou e co-geriu a home school, uma escola de arte pop-up gratuita em Portland no seu sexto ano de currículo. Recentes exposicoes solo e duo: Portland State University, Portland; Yaby, Madrid; the Art Gym, Portland; Open Signal, Portland; Institute for New Connotative Action, Seattle. Recentes exposições colectivas: Superposition, LA; Veronica, Seattle; Felix Gaudlitz, Vienna; Critical Path, Sydney; Studio Museum in Harlem, New York; NCAD Gallery, Dublin; online with Rhizome and the New Museum; Centre d’Art Contemporain, Geneva. Trabalhos curatoriais recentes: Yale Union, Portland; Center for Afrofuturist Studies, Iowa City; SOIL, Seattle; Paragon Gallery, Portland; antiga fábrica Pfizer, Brooklyn; S1, Portland; AA|LA Gallery, LA; MoMA PS1, New York.





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